Aquamamma at the Babyology Baby Shower High Tea - Mummahh
I was so lucky to once again be invited to the Babyology Baby Shower High Tea on Sunday. The Babyology Baby Shower High Tea has to be one of the best events for pregnant and new mums. The High Tea’s are held in both Melbourne and Sydney and there is two sittings each day (12pm and 3pm). Last Sunday I attended the 12pm sitting at the beautiful Intercontinental Double Bay, Sydney. The venue is amazing and the food is divine, and it has to be one of the best high tea’s I’ve had! It’s a relatively intimate setting compared to those big baby expos, so you get to spend some quality time talking with the people behind the products and services on display. One of the products at this Babyology Baby Shower High Tea was a fabulous new drink called Aquamamma. It can be hard to get adequate hydration during pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding and let’s face it, water gets a little bland after a while. Sports drinks can provide hydration but have huge amounts of sugar and sodium, and other ingredients you may not want to drink while pregnant. Dr Rob Buist, an Australian Obstetrician saw the need for a drink that …