Delicious Nutritious by Michelle Bridges - Mummahh
Woolworths and Michelle Bridges have teamed up to create a new range of healthy frozen meals aptly named Delicious Nutritious. First we’ll tackle the elephant in the room. Unless you live under a rock, you would have seen bit of hoo-haa about the ads for the Delicious Nutritious range. The ads feature Michelle Bridges herself and…well you can see it below…. I don’t want to focus too much on the ad. I think we can all agree that the word ‘freak’ was a poor choice and the ad didn’t really communicate the message Michelle Bridges and Woolworths intended. Anyway, Michelle Bridges has since apologised and all is right in the world again. Now let’s get to the real issue here. What’s the range like? Is it as delicious and nutritious as the name suggests? I attended the launch of the Delicious Nutritious range and got to (quickly) ask Michelle Bridges a few questions. I was interested to know if Michelle was approached by Woolworths or if this was something Michelle had wanted to do. Michelle has a huge following and a solid brand promoting health and well being so I was also keen to find out what part she played …