Domestos & Unicef - Destroy germs, protect children
There is a global sanitation crisis. Next time you wander off to the toilet have a think about this, an estimated 2.4 billion people (that’s one third of the world’s population) live without clean and safe toilets. Of these, more than one billion have no access to toilets at all, forcing them to ‘do their business’ in the open with alarming health consequences. This kind of blew me away. I’ve got three kids and I know what it’s like (panic) when you’re out and about, only to have one (or more) children tell you they need to go to the toilet – when there’s no toilet in sight. I cannot imagine what it is like not to have NO access to a toilet at all. But this is real, and it’s woman and children it affects more so, who when having no option but to ‘do their business’ in the open risk shame, harassment and even attack. Every two minutes, a child dies of diahorrea related diseases that could have been avoided with improved sanitation. The sanitation crisis is very very real. Domestos and UNICEF have joined together to urge Australians to help make a difference. Domestos and UNICEF have …