Getting kids to drink more water - Mummahh
Do you have trouble getting your kids to drink water? Once they’ve had a taste of the sweet stuff it’s hard to get them drinking water as a first choice. In our house my kids drink water most of the time, that’s not to say they don’t ask for ‘fizzy’, juice or cordial. If my kids want any thing other than water they will usually ask, ‘Mum can I have {insert some kind of non-water drink}?” The fact they ask is actually quite good now I think of it. Most of the time I will answer “No, have water” to which I get a groan or a “Pleeease”. At dinner time I allow the kids to have a glass of a non-water drink if they want but once they have finished that they have water. Water has heaps of health benefits: Keeps you hydrated Helps relieve headaches which are often caused by dehydration Great for your skin Excellent way to flush out toxins and keep you regular Can help with weight loss. Drinking water can keep you feeling full and is way better than sugary drinks. Sparkling water specialists, Sodastream has conducted some research and found that 80% of …