Saving time with Lite n' Easy - Mummahh
Saving time with Lite n’ Easy – With our busy lives, eating well can be quite tricky and time consuming. The key to eating well, in my opinion, is preparation and meal planning. If you can take the time to not only plan your meals but also prepare them in advance you can ensure that you are eating nutritious, portion controlled healthy options. But most of the time, especially with a large family, this is extremely hard to do all the time. I’m pretty good at meal planning and preparation for myself but when I add my husband and three kids into the mix, I can plan the meals but usually only manage to prepare a few (slow cooked curry or soup) to freeze for future meals. I’ve used Lite n’ Easy on and off for many years and have always found it tasty, convenient and cost effective. The lovely people at Lite n’ Easy offered me a two week trial of the 1200 Calorie Meal Plan which I graciously accepted. If you have ever considered Lite n Easy but were unsure what to expect, well read on because in this post I will explain how the whole Lite n’ …