Stack & Tumble Elephant from LeapFrog - Mummahh
Stacking is tons of fun with the Stack & Tumble Elephant. I’ve always been a big fan of LeapFrog, but sadly as my kids grow up we also grow out of the LeapFrog range. Lucky for me (and you) I have a super cute baby nephew who is just the right age to review this new Stack & Tumble Elephant from LeapFrog. The Stack & Tumble Elephant is suitable for 6-36 months and my nephew, Little O has just turned 1 so he is perfect to review this toy. The idea of this toy is to stack the five brightly coloured, textured rings on the elephant’s trunk which helps to build fine motor skills. As each ring is placed on the trunk, the Elephant will introduce colours, numbers and shapes. If you press the music button on the elephant’s trunk you will hear playful songs, and if you push down on his tail he will sneeze, sending the rings tumbling off his trunk. So what was the verdict from Little O? Here’s what his lovely mum had to say… My 12 month old absolutely loves this toy. He enjoys putting the coloured rings on the elephants trunk and waiting for the response after each …