The Eczema Detox - Mummahh
The Eczema Detox by Karen Fischer As a long time sufferer of psoriasis I was really interested to pick up a copy of The Eczema Detox by Karen Fischer. I was also quite shocked to find out Australia has one of the highest incidences of Eczema in the world. Anyone who has suffered from eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis will know that it can seriously impact your quality of life. The Eczema Detox offers three effective programs to eliminate skin inflammation – including eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, topical steroid withdrawal, and more. Many eczema sufferers are sensitive to artificial chemicals and sometimes even natural food chemicals. Essentially the programs in The Eczema Detox are low-chemical diets to suit the various (chemical) sensitivities of sufferers. I was amazed at the amount of chemicals, both natural and artificial that could be the cause of my skin inflammation! There is a huge amount of useful information, easy to follow diets and programs in this book. I really found the best and worst foods for eczema awesome, and have added many of the good foods to my diet (thank goodness I love all of them!). The Eczema Detox is full of delicious and easy recipes. It is easy to read …